• Rezerwacja bezzwrotna - 100 % przedpłaty
  • Breakfast and Supper

Sales conditions of rate

Guarantee Policy

Warranty terms

The full amount for the booking is to be paid in advance with the use of credit card during the reservation.

Cancellation/ Delay

The fee is not returned, even if the reservation is cancelled or modified.

Special requirements

If you would like to receive a VAT INVOICE for your company, please send required data to the following e-mail address : Failure to provide required data will prevent the hotel from issuing a VAT invoice.<

Check in Policy

The room is available from 15:00.

Check out Policy

The room must be vacated by 11:00 at the latest.

Children Policy

Accommodation and breakfast are free for 2 children under 5 years sharing parents' room. From 6 to 15 years: accommodation is free, 15.00 PLN discount on breakfast.

Members rate conditions

ask about special prices

    • **Breakfast included.
    • **Supper included.

    Taxes and fees included in the rate

    • VAT National taxes on accommodation : 8 % ( per night / per product )

    To confirm this reservation whole stay amount needs to be paid upfront. In case of cancellation, modifications or not showing up on the arrival date no refunds will be made.